- Develop based on Serverless Architecture (kubernetes, AWS Lambda) and deployment (terraform)
- Backup service development & maintenance, based on Golang
- Service improvement and development
- Code quality improvement: Test Coverage, Refactoring, Peer review
- Documentation for design/development
- Big-scale scheduler
- Schedule 2~3 billion tasks w/ requirements
- Monitoring tool and tracing in MSA
I am ...
- Loves software engineering.
- No field-limited: Web application / System software / Game / Data engineer
- Highly value code quality, documentation, automation
- Interested in recent-tech and challenging problems.
…Software Engineer
…Software Engineer and Manager
- Infra based on Terraform + AWS
- Designed for future extension & monitoring capability
- Used techniques: CW + ECS + ElasticCache + MySQL + MongoDB + SQS
- Backend design and development
- Based on Node.js + Go + protobuf
- Developed user tracking & position share service
- QA automation & deployment through Github Actions
- Management
- Blocking prevention: Do short but often meeting & sprint
- Writing document and encouraging
- Infra based on Terraform + AWS
…Team Leader
- Managing issues
- Do regular meeting to manage blocking items
- Managing techinical debt for long term issues
- Improving individual skills
- Study Books: Refactoring 2, Clean code
- Improve SWE culture
- Code review to improve readability and test coverage.
- Encourage documentation to the members
- Improve effciency
- Reduce unnecessary meetings and issues
- Documentation and tutorial for New-hire
- Managing issues
…Software Engineer
RDBMS engine develop & maintenance w/ C/C++
- Optimization
- Minimizing lock to better performance / removing deadlock.
- Improve caches (partition, global cache, etc.)
- Feature development
- PL/SQL engine development
- Nested Type
- Dblink protocol
- PL/SQL VM interpreter optimizing
- PL/SQL compiled mode design
- Parser design & development
- Based on Bison/Flex (DDL, PLSQL, SQL Parser)
- Custom Parser design to reduce grammar conflict
- PL/SQL Package development
- Message Queue based on PL/SQL
- Debugger based on PL/SQL
- Gateway
- Job module
- DB monitoring process
- PL/SQL engine development
- Improve testing
- CI pipeline management (add test)
- Introduce unit test
- Improve development culture
- Peer code review
- Write and encourage documentation
- Add test cases
- Create docker container for constant development/testing
- Output
- Removed most of the severe bugs of our module.
- Contribute to company for developing important features, about 3x Revenue compared to 18y.
- Optimization
B.S. graduate from Seoul National Univ.
- Various side project on Github
- Development activity: UPnL
- Security activity: Guardian
- Some events: SW Maestro, Microsoft App Hackathon 등
Software Maestro 3rd member
- Streaming platform of individual (Android dev.)
- Game controller platform (Android, server, demo game dev.)
M.S. graduate from Seoul National Univ.
- Analyzing mRNA data
- Model design and develop based on Tensorflow
- Written 4 Paper (one main author)
Identifying stress-related genes and predicting stress types in Arabidopsis using logical correlation layer and CMCL loss through time-series data
…BIBM, Main Author
- Model development which find out stress label and biomarkers from large matrix data (time-series mRNA).
- Reduced dimension by pre-processing matrix data (Calculate DEG p-value and one-hot encoding)
- Added group effect to avoid overfitting
- Used CMCL loss for multiple label selection
In silico experiment system
- In silico experiment delivered as Web application
- Front: jquery + bootstrap + cytoscape.js
- Backend: Flask + Rscript for data pipeline
Venn-diaNet: venn diagram based network propagation analysis framework for comparing multiple biological experiments
- Improved venn diagram rendering method for biomarkers
- Venn diagram and node element positioning using Edge weight, which makes capable for N-group diagram
- Optimize: performance improvement using threshold for selective rendering.
HTRgene: integrating multiple heterogeneous time-series data to investigate cold and heat stress response signaling genes in Arabidopsis
- New DEG Algorithm: Using clustering, find order of biomarker and it’s pvalue.
- Performance Proof: Compared to other DEG algorithm, HTRGene had found remarkable genes other tools hadn’t found with Arabidopsis.
…C++, OpenGL, GLFW
- Game Engine by my own
- Open source
- Based on GLFW
- Performance optimized: multicore resource loader, task scheduler for loading
- Lag/Delay minimized: dynamic vsync, async event-handler
- Mixer implementation with Sound effector
- Multimedia data processing
- Write decoding for various audio/video/image
- Support for resource of other game (dxa)
- Game script engine development
- External script support (lua)
- Game script runtime (lr2script)
- Be-music script library engine
- CI
- Used googletest
- Game Engine by my own
- Audio data processing
- Audio decode/encode, mixing development with pitch / speed change
- CI: travis CI for QA automation
- Audio data processing
- Game record managing
- frontend: jQuery + bootstrap
- backend: django + mariadb(ORM)
- Recommendation service
- Analyze user data using jupyter notebook
- Learn user data through Logistic regression & cross entropy
- CD based on shell script.
- Game record managing
iBeatcon for Android
…Android, C#
- client: Android, server: C#
Controller based on Smartphone Sensor
…Android, python
- server: python, client: Android
- Motion recognition using machine learning for high accuracy
- Based on libGDX engine
- High compatibility (Windows, Mac, Android)
- Small time/cost for development
- Based on libGDX engine
…C++, DirectX
- Text novel viewer for UMPC
- Many features: bookmark, automatically open last closed file, etc.
- Smooth pagination animation
- Performance optimization: DirectX(GPU) + font cache for better UX
Opensource Contribution
Programming language
Framework & Platform